Holistic Impulses


Meditation for greater focus and relaxation – a starting point for the journey

Looking at our western culture, it seems odd to ask people to sit still with their own thoughts for just a few minutes every day. We have become so busy and dependent on constant distractions that we often lose our sense of self completely. But how do we get back to who we truly are

Meditation for greater focus and relaxation – a starting point for the journey Read More »

7 tricks for a positive mindset

Why positivity makes you more successful – 7 tricks for a positive mindset

Do you sometimes catch yourself going down the rabbit hole of negative thoughts? Where you feel delusional because you are so caught up in your  “weaknesses” and “problems” that you totally miss your strengths? Welcome to the club! But the good news is, we can choose what we focus on. “When you change the way

Why positivity makes you more successful – 7 tricks for a positive mindset Read More »